Principal's Message
At Lilin Bangsa Intercultural School (LBIS) Primary Level, we believe education is for everybody and learning should be personalized, fun, challenging and engaging for all children. To deliver this, we link the four walls of the classroom curriculum with our wide-ranging and highly successful internal and external co-curricular programme.
We are a school with a strong sense of family community that works closely with our students and parents. This personal approach helps us understand, build up and nurture your child. Our international education builds its foundation on a Singapore-based curriculum where children are equipped with 21st century learning skills and are provided real-life learning opportunities to be ready for the challenges of this rapidly changing world. This provides an outstanding opportunity for children to grow in a school environment that is committed to learning. We focus on literacy and communication skills and our trilingual proficiencies in English (First Language), Chinese and Bahasa Indonesia are of great advantage to your child. Moreover, its ICT Programme enables him to learn in relevant to real world 21st century contexts with Information literacy. Your child will integrate sports, service, learning journeys, visual and performing arts and a wide range of other opportunities within our academic programme.
Finally, at Primary level, we start to inculcate in the minds of the young children the fear of God through Religion classes and the core values of respect, integrity, courtesy, kindness and self-discipline. We believe that by focusing on these significant principles, we will develop your child to be a happy and good individual that we will all be proud of.
Georgie Calvo Floro
Primary Principal

Primary education is the first stage of formal schooling. As already mentioned it will give your child a firm foundation in English, Chinese and Mathematics. In the first four years, your child will focus her attention on the two languages, English and Chinese and Mathematics.The learning of English in the early years will include the study of general topics such as Science, Health Education, Social Studies and Character Education. Subjects such as Bahasa Indonesia, Art & Craft, Music and Physical Education (PE) will also be taught. In Primary 5 and 6, the focus will still be on English, Chinese, Mathematics and Science. However, the topics are pursued in depth in order to prepare your child for the iPSLE Examination.
Level 1
Foundation Stage
Primary 1
Primary 2
Primary 3
Primary 4
Primary 5
Primary 6
English Language
Chinese Language
Science and Health Education
Social Studies
Computer Education(English and Mandarin)
Aesthetics Domain
Physical Education
Art and Craft
Learning Weights
Primary 1-2
60% Activity based
40% Knowledge based
Primary 3-4
40% – Activity based
60% – Knowledge based
Primary 5-6
40% – Independent Learning
40% – Knowledge based
20% – Examination & Assessment Skills