Me and my husband are really glad to have our 3 children joined to Little Bee school. From my first until third child was joined at Little Bee until K2 level.
My third child is still at Little bee now at Kindergarten 1 class. I’ve joined her from 2 years ago from Pre Nursery level. And it is really excited when I saw the progress of my child grow up with independence and writing abilities since school here.
I’ve also known the teachers from long time ago when my other 2 kids still at Little bee. Teacher Joy and teacher Richlyn are one of best teachers I’ve ever known here. They are very patient with students. I hope Little Bee can be one of the best school for our children since it has been proven from the formation of a child’s character.
Thank you Little Bee! We as parents are really appreciate and thank to
school for teaching our children with maximum effort.